Sunday, March 01, 2009

Good sports

With so many people and politicians doing bad things nowadays, I'm happy to blog on something terrific that was done by some baseball players. Here's the story from the AJC:

"Western Oregon University senior Sara Tucholsky homered against Central Washington University. Stumbling around first base, Tucholsky collapsed with a badly injured knee. The teams were informed that she would be credited with only a single unless she could continue to round all the bases. Her own team was not allowed to help her. Instead, two Central Washington players picked up Tucholsky and carried her around the bases to home plate. Central Washington lost 4-2 and was eliminated from postseason contention."

Here's the video (you might get some tissue handy): Girl carried around bases

This is such a terrific story about justice and one team recognizing that the girl earned her homer and deserved it and should get it.

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