Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boeing CEO begs for government regulation

Boeing CEO Scott Carson had a column printed today in the Wall Street Journal under the heading "How Boeing Fights Climate Change." Carson brags about Boeing's great achievements in fuel-efficiency, and then demands three things to be done by government:

1) Establish an international fuel-efficiency standard
2) Modernize air-traffic management
3) Invest taxpayer cash in commercializing an aviation biofuels industry

To those of you familiar with the history of the kings of government being in bed with the kings of business, you know there's a quid pro quo in there somewhere. "We'll scratch your nuts, if you scratch our nuts." Here's my letter to the WSJ on the wretched Carson column.
There are few occurrences in the annals of American free enterprise more thoroughly disturbing than a CEO touting government regulations and, by extension, giving alleged moral authority to such intrusive barbarism. (“Thank you, sir. Can I have another?”)

Such was the case with Boeing’s Scott Carson’s sycophantic request for fuel-efficiency standards for airline manufacturers – all of which Mr. Carson proclaimed after touting Boeing’s own record at achieving high standards without any such government intrusion, which left this reader wondering whether Mr. Carson wished that Boeing’s competitors might feel the real bite of such standards, thereby crushing Boeing’s competition.

To make matters far worse, Mr. Carson’s ingratiating remarks (toward any listening government official) were couched in the context of justifying one of the greatest hoaxes perpetuated upon the American public in a generation: anthropomorphic climate change.

And, to add insult to injury, Mr. Carson demands that I (and my fellow Americans) pay to “get an aviation biofuels industry up and running.” Mr. Carson will forgive me if I’m not too crazy about having federal men pick-pocket me so that the mighty Boeing can have its subsidized biofuels.


Jay said...

but petroleum subsidies for American oil companies are ok?

Dave said...

Of course they are not OK, but that was not my topic. Why would you assume such a thing?
If you've read my blog, you know that I reject all government involvement in the economy. ALL!