Norway (a country most Americans can't find on a map) has followed up its fictional Peace Prize with a nonfiction masterpiece of class warfare. It has published the incomes of every citizen, revealing for all the wealth-haters those who make "too much money."
The land of Quisling (remember the guy who gave Norway to Hitler?) and the land of the inventor of dynamite (yes, Alfred Nobel), and the land of the formidable Vikings, has cut off its testicles and proudly proclaims itself a welfare state and believes it should be a model of "transparency" to the world by publishing the tax returns of all its citizens -- except the homeless and the royal family, which laughably doesn't pay taxes. (Now THERE are two groups that should always be mentioned in the same sentence: the homeless and the royal family -- the two least-worthy objects of pathetic affection.)
The concomitant reaction to the income charade has been predictable. Children on playgrounds taunt other children whose parents make little money. Fascist adults (unruly children with pubic hair) decry the "obscene" profit-making of rich industrialists. People in grocery stores ask with feigned sympathy, "How can you live on those low wages?" Professors praise the "egalitarian" aspect of exposing all incomes and makes socialistic statements like, unlike CEOs in the U.S., Norway "places the wealth and health of all as a priority above the individual success stories."
The professors should've left the last two words off that last statement.
What the industrial world is descending into (except for, ironically, communist China) is pandemic altruism: the Jesus syndrome -- those nosy nattering nabobs who can't get enough justification out of their own lives and must fill the void by pretending to care about others and spitefully wielding the government club against individuals who don't have a void to fill.
This is why religion and other forms of subjectivism (liberalism, global warming, conservatism, fascism, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, etc.) have become my (our) business. These subjectivists, as Ayn Rand pointed out, must execute their altruism in politics. They can't help themselves. They must act on their irrationality.
Religious people are aghast when they hear my answer to their seemingly innocuous question, "Even if there isn't a god, what's wrong with people being religious?"
"Because they can't keep it to themselves," I say, not to mention that it is a recipe for a disastrous self-esteem and a lack of self-discovery. But that latter would be fine with me if they could just mind their own business. They can't, however. In a democracy, they get to vote, and since we have moved away from a Constitution that largely restricted coercive legislating, that vote is now perennially menacing.
So now the Big Brother (or Big God) mentality votes away my rights be electing such abominable swamp trolls as Obama Dead Eyes or George W. Bush and such harpy bog bitches as Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein. And the more these subjectivists believe in "higher powers," the more they insist on higher and greater powers in government.
It's vicious. It's a circle. It's a vicious circle, and the Quislings of liberty are trying to make George Orwell the new prophet.
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