Thursday, January 06, 2011

A day with my daughter

A day with my lovely Livy doesn't have to be all play. It can be fun even when we're doing chores or hard work.

Today, we did the wash, made the bed, trimmed our neighbor's crape myrtles, went for a bike ride, fixed her bike twice, ate Chinese food at a restaurant, organized the shelves in our room, cleaned up the closet, brought tea home for her friends Ethan and Tori, talked about all sorts of stuff (including how she now officially knows "100 big words"), cracked jokes ("Daddy, your butt is the whole universe." ... "Oh yeah? Does that mean you are living in my butt?"), got warm gloves for each other, watched some of "Anastasia" together (what a great movie), sifted through mounds of wires to try to find her DS adapter (to no avail, but she took it so well), shared a smidgen of wine, and more.

Livy has grown into such a warm-hearted, hard-working, fun, intelligent, thoughtful, creative person that I love every single moment around her. And she's only seven years old. I can only imagine what kind of craziness and loveliness she'll be in three or seven or ten years.

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